ACE has made the decision to affiliate with CTA/NEA because we understand the value of being part of organizations that advocate for the betterment of students, educators, and the education profession. Along with the ability to build an inclusive union that can collectively bargain a strong contract to include items such as salaries, benefits, and working conditions, partnering with the statewide (CTA) and nationwide (NEA) organizations means that Clovis educators will have a democratic say in the governance and decision-making bodies at the state and national level.
By becoming a member of ACE and CTA, we gain the power to make positive changes in our profession and work environment. We join the conversation on important local and statewide issues that impact our students and our classrooms. We enjoy the protections of a strong union, including legal protections for our jobs and professional liabilities. We also have a vote in electing union leaders and representatives at the local, state, and national levels so important decisions better reflect our voice.
We have shared information before about the benefits of ACE/CTA membership.
There are many other benefits once an educator joins CTA/NEA. CTA offers training and support at the local, regional, and state level. Some of the trainings offered pertain to issues such as contracts, law, and other classroom issues. CTA also offers professional development and leadership development trainings. Some of these trainings are for new educators, special education issues, human rights and equity issues, and other issues that pertain to educators and the classroom. CTA also offers grants that cover the cost of attending these different conferences and trainings.
As a CTA member, there are other benefits that you can take advantage of. Some of the benefits include $1 million employment liability coverage, auto and home insurance through California Casualty, voluntary life and disability insurance through The Standard, travel, restaurant, and theme park discount tickets, rental car discounts, complimentary life insurance through both CTA and NEA, disaster relief grants, and more!
You don’t need to wait… Sign up to be a CTA/NEA member HERE and for questions contact us at
Signing the ACE union support petition does not require us to become ACE/CTA members, but those of us who are driving this effort have chosen to do so. Why?
By becoming a member of ACE and CTA, we gain the power to make positive changes in our profession and work environment. We join the conversation on important local and statewide issues that impact our students and our classrooms. We enjoy the protections of a strong union, including legal protections for our jobs and professional liabilities. We also have a vote in electing union leaders and representatives at the local, state, and national levels so important decisions better reflect our voice.
You can find information about the benefits of ACE/CTA membership here via this link to a flyer. We want to also highlight a few benefits that some may not have noticed:
More Choices!
We can choose to join the CTA-endorsed 403 B plan, Disability Insurance, and Home and Auto Insurance, which have all been tailored to educators’ needs. They are often lower cost and higher quality than what is otherwise available.
We can participate in training for professional development, advocacy, and union leadership:
Training for site reps (on how to support fellow educators) | Training for veteran teachers |
Training for executive board members | Training for equity and inclusion |
Training for bargaining team members | Training for SPED educators |
Training for student discipline issues | Training for ALL members, not just leaders |
Training for new educators |
Scholarships |
Six Free University Credit units |
Service Center |
Legal Services from attorneys who specialize in Labor Law and Education Code. |
We invite you to email us at to learn more about ACE/CTA membership. You can also sign up online at any time here.
Protection and support in our profession:
Members will have access to professional support, from well-trained school site representatives to expert legal counsel. They will also have the necessary on-the-job support to defend their employment and their students’ rights.
Legal services and professional advice provided for:
- Due process, leave rights, layoffs, and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing cases
- Certification and classification issues
- Discrimination under federal/state laws based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.
- Discrimination based on union activity
- Retirement issues
- No cost attorney representation for job-related legal matters (and one-hour free consultation on any other matter)
- $1 million educator employment liability insurance policy
Access to a vast network of education professionals throughout the state with knowledge and expertise in our schools’ various fields of interest. This shared institutional knowledge proves invaluable as educators seek solutions to the most pressing issues facing our profession and our students.
As educators, we are committed to providing the best possible education to our students. However, it is important to remember that we also need to take care of ourselves and each other. By becoming an ACE/CTA member, we gain the power to make positive changes in our profession and work environment. With voting privileges on contract ratification, we can ensure that our salaries, benefits, and working conditions are fair and just.
Additionally, we can have a voice in positions advocated by our union, as well as elect local chapter leaders and leaders at the state and national levels. But that’s not all. We understand that you may also be looking for ways to save money and improve your skills. That’s why membership comes with discounts on insurance, travel, financial and other services, and access to professional and leadership development training opportunities sponsored by CTA at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
Members Only Incentives:
- Voting privileges on contract ratification of the collectively bargained agreement between the district and the local association. Salary, benefits, and working conditions as stipulated by the collectively bargained agreement or “contract” between the district and the local association.
- Voting privileges to have a voice on positions advocated by the union, as well as in electing local chapter leaders and leaders at the state and national levels.
- Discounts on insurance, travel, financial and other services.
- CTA-sponsored professional and leadership development training opportunities at the local, regional, state, and national levels
- Issues Conference
- Region II Leadership
- Conference
- Summer Institute
- Presidents Conference
- Equity & Human Rights Conference
- Access to CTA and NEA professional development trainings by members for members looking to improve professional skills, social awareness, and leadership.
- New Educator Weekend
- Good Teaching
- Conference
- Summer Institute
- Special Education Conference
- State Counci
Exclusive Discounted CTA and NEA Member Benefits programs
- Auto and home insurance
- Voluntary life and disability insurance
- Travel, restaurant, theme parks, and purchasing discounts
- CTA 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan and financial tools and resources
- Financial services such as credit cards, credit unions, special mortgages, and auto loan programs
- Resources including “CTA Guide to Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs” and “Balancing Family and Work: A Guide to Pregnancy Disability and Baby Bonding Leave” and many more products, services, and discounts negotiated on behalf of and provided to members only.
Invest in your future today, join ACE/CTA, and take advantage of these valuable benefits. Your membership is an investment in your future as an educator and a commitment to providing the best possible education to our students. We’re here for you and committed to supporting you every step of the way.
Sign up to be a CTA/NEA member HERE and for questions contact us at