
Jingle Bells

As we approach a well-deserved break, we wanted to share our last ACE updates of 2021 and our plans for an exciting new year.

There is no question this has been a long and at times difficult year. However, we are optimistic that 2022 will bring many opportunities for us to work together across the district in new ways. We are a tremendous group of educators here in Clovis. We look forward to working with all of you to advocate for our students and coworkers in 2022!

In January, Clovis Psychologist and Mental Health Support Providers will have their union election! As many remember, the 85 psychologists and MHSPs who work in CUSD filed for ACE union recognition with over 70% support back in June. After some delays, a PERB supervised mail ballot election will be held for that group between January 7th and February 3rd 2022. Since June, Clovis Psychologists and MHSPs have participated in an ACE bargaining survey, nominated and selected eight peers to be part of their ACE bargaining team, and are looking forward to negotiating a strong union contract once a majority vote yes for ACE! We look forward to supporting our wonderful psychologist and MHSP colleagues with their important election and subsequent negotiations.

It is time CUSD invests our tax dollars wisely in 2022. Many of our colleagues across the district are concerned that CUSD is using valuable education resources to expand our reserves rather than investing in our classrooms. So much more can be done to reduce class sizes and caseloads, improve compensation and stipends to help with recruitment and retention of educators. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out this amazing video that breaks down how CUSD increased our reserves while increasing class sizes and making cuts to staffing during the great recession.

Come to our ACE/CTA Conservative Educators Town Hall on Wednesday, Jan 12 @4pm at the Clovis Veterans Hall 808 4th St. Clovis, CA. This will be an opportunity to hear from union leaders from CTA locals across California who will share their experiences and how ACE and CTA can help lift up the voices of conservative educators in Clovis. All are welcome, RSVP here.

We will continue to build an independent and strong union that acts with honesty, integrity, and professionalism. Check out this video featuring Laura Riley, Buchanan High School teacher (and former labor law attorney, yes you read that right!) where she provides an important update from the ACE legal subcommittee about the Public Employment Relations Board hearings taking place now. Sadly, Faculty Senate leadership continues to propagate falsehoods about our campaign. Laura, our resident legal eagle, sets the record straight. Also, in other breaking legal news, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) issued an order today explaining why they granted ACE’s request for seeking injunctive relief – it’s worth a read!

We hope you have an extremely restful break. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year from your ACE organizing committee!