
The Power of Educators Committed to Education

We’ve now been back with our students for a couple of weeks and are facing some of the most challenging conditions since the start of the pandemic, over two years ago. Now more than ever we must work together, speak up, and support our students and each other. In that spirit, we want to share some timely information and updates.

Masking, Isolation and Quarantine Regulations – Trying to navigate through all the state regulations and competing claims can be confusing and daunting! While it won’t answer every individual question, please check out this state regulation “cheat sheet” (updated 1/17/2022).

Building a Strong Union for Educators – it Takes More than Hiring a Law Firm – by Laura Riley ACE Leader, Buchanan High School: “As a Buchanan High School teacher and a former labor law attorney who served as an attorney advisor to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington, DC, I know that building an effective union is more than simply hiring a law firm. I wish to address whether ACE, which has CTA support, or other groups that would only have the support of a law firm, would be better positioned to build a strong educators’ union that can empower educators to negotiate and enforce a meaningful Collective Bargaining Agreement with District Administration.”

​View the entire email communication (PDF).