

Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage.

Welcome Back CUSD Educators!

Presidents Welcome Back Message As we prepare for the upcoming school year, I want us to reflect on our incredible achievements. Together, we have achieved so much for our students and fellow educators. For the first time in CUSD’s history, we successfully established a legally recognized educator union and secured the first-ever contract for certificated […]

What does the June 20, 2024 PERB Decision Mean?

The Public Employment Relations Board issued its Decision on the Unfair Labor Practice case that ACE originally filed against the district in 2021. The June 20th Decision was in response to our appeal of the original Judge’s decision issued on December 7th, 2023. The original Judge’s decision confirmed the violations that we alleged, but ACE […]


5/21/24 Newsletter: May Revise and Student Behavior Updates

Governor’s May Revise and the Call to Protect Public School Funding The “May Revise” is an updated draft of the California state budget for the next fiscal year (starting in July) that considers new information, including up-to-date state revenue data. We are always eager to see the May Revise because it gives us more information […]

5/7/2024 Newsletter: Catching Up with ACE 

A Brief History: The Association of Clovis Educators was founded in 2021 by Clovis teachers who love Clovis Unified and want it to be the best it can be. Most of the teachers who founded ACE had been teaching in Clovis Unified for several decades, but our group quickly grew to include newer educators, nurses, […]

4/24/2024 Newsletter: All About Numbers

Spring Update Response In March, Clovis Unified shared a Spring Update describing the fiscal state of the district. The district complied with ACE’s Requests for Information about the district’s Adopted Budget as well as both the 1st and 2nd Interim Budget reports. Using the district’s budget and information provided by the state of California, ACE […]

ACE & CUSD Reach Agreement on Policy Disputes

Background In October and November 2022, the district changed its Board Policies on Controversial Issues and added a new policy on personal Items. The policy states that personal items can’t be displayed if they reflect “politics, religion, social movements, and/or personal ethics.”  When the policy was first adopted, ACE expressed concern that it was too […]

3/22 Newsletter

To all of my fellow CUSD educators, I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting time in our district’s history. We have a unique opportunity to create a union that prioritizes our students’ needs, and I am honored to be elected as the first President of ACE. As we embark on this endeavor […]

Leadership Ins and Outs

How does California Teachers Association (CTA) work? Many people outside of CTA know little about how it is organized or functions. They often don’t realize that decisions at CTA are made and carried out through a representative democracy among the state’s public education professionals. The two important things to keep in mind are that: Governance […]

Can a Union Do Anything About Student Behavior?

Classroom educators everywhere are painfully aware of the recent increase in student behavior issues and the difficulty in addressing them through classroom management and disciplinary policies. There is no simple solution to this national crisis, but we believe that classroom teachers and support staff should be respected and empowered to create a safe learning environment […]