
ACE is The Answer: Special Ed Edition

From our recent email communications:

“As the ACE Fall Forward Campaign kicks into high gear with the rollout of the Vision Statement, ACE is advocating for teachers and specialists around the district day and night. Hundreds of us identified six main areas of concern based on our needs assessment survey.

“A fuller description of these important issues can be found here.

“We would also like to take a moment to focus on some of our most valuable and dedicated educators: our Special Education staff (highlighted in our update video HERE)! SPED folks support our students’ diverse needs in a variety of settings. They have the particular skills and strategies needed to match the unique challenges they face. It’s amazing how awesome they are! So, we have a special treat for all of you in SPED: A place to voice your specific concerns to be reviewed and addressed by the ACE SPED Leadership Committee. Follow this link to make your SPED voice heard.

As always from SPED to Gen Ed, the ACE leadership is here to answer your questions and address your concerns. Please reach out as we are here for you! We are ALL ACE. Let’s send a message to CUSD that these issues are important to everyone. ACE is the answer!”

View the entire email communication (PDF).