
Let’s Get This Right

As we announced last week, we are making real progress addressing our ACE Fall Forward campaign issues. CUSD recently announced increases in pay for substitutes, improvements in sub coverage, and additional IA support for SDC Programs. This is in addition to the recent extension of COVID sick leave. These changes will help support our students and staff. They wouldn’t have happened without the advocacy of Clovis educators who are standing up and asking to be heard. Congratulations.

However, there is more work to do. Though it was announced substitute pay and coverage will be improved and additional IAs will be hired for SDC programs, we need to make sure these solutions are implemented in a timely and useful manner. That means working closely with educators at our school sites.

Additionally, there are other outstanding issues we must address including:

  • Fair and transparent stipends
  • Expanded planning and collaboration time for educators
  • A plan to reduce class sizes so we can better support our students

Video update: To ensure smart and timely implementation of solutions to these outstanding issues, members of our ACE organizing committee met with CUSD’s Executive Cabinet on Friday.

We presented the issues that are still remaining from our Fall Forward campaign as well as our financial analysis that shows that a budget surplus and excess reserves are available to start working on these issues now.

The Administration’s Executive Cabinet had little to say in response to their information and requests. They said that they will, “take it back to the team.” We expect them to review our concerns and do the right thing by our next meeting in December.

If you haven’t had a chance to sign onto our ACE Fall Forward campaign, please take a moment to do so now. The more united we are, the more improvements we can win for our students! While we address these widely felt issues in the Vision Statement we can also identify the site-specific and job-specific issues that are out there.

​ACE Fall Forward Campaign


ACE Executive Cabinet Team

Melissa Ferdinandsen
Kristin Heimerdinger
Elizabeth Henderson
Amy Kilburn
Tamara Soemali
Nancy Welch