Updates Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage. Posts pagination Newer 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 13 Older 2/16 ACE Newsletter We look at salaries in Clovis versus salaries in Union Districts. Over the past few years, ACE has been bringing attention to the fact that without a real voice in the district, educators in Clovis have been unable to advocate meaningfully for fair compensation. We also have updates on certificated non-teachers and the salary schedule, […] 2/9 ACE Newsletter Last week the District released the proposed salary schedule for Clovis educators, classified staff, and administrators. There are some solid increases, and also some puzzling changes. We also have an update on our SPED survey results. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 2/2 ACE Newsletter Read about the latest CUSD Board Meeting, attended by ACE School Psychologists and MHSPs, along with other Clovis educators and community members. See our chart of annual school psychologist salaries in regional districts, including where Clovis ranks now versus where our proposal suggests. (Clovis psychologists are currently ranked last in annual starting salary.) We are […] 1/26 ACE Newsletter Our latest newsletter discusses the personal item policy, including a brief timeline of the CUSD personal items policy changes from October 2022 to present. We also have a note of gratitude about Superintendent Dr. O’Brien, who is stepping down after 26 years of service to the students, educators, and community of Clovis Unified. View the […] 1/19 ACE Newsletter In addition to updates on training, surveys, and the calendar, we share what it would be like with a union. Related, at the February 1st CUSD Board meeting, the board is planning to vote on a recommendation from the Employee Compensation Committee (ECC) regarding salary raises for some employee groups. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 1/12 ACE Newsletter Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderfully rejuvenating vacation! We’re rested and ready to get back to work building a strong, inclusive union. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 12/22 ACE Newsletter As we close out our last week before Winter Break, we’ve been taking stock of what we’ve accomplished and the work still to be done to make Clovis into the best school district for students and educators. This newsletter is our summary of the year so far. Take a browse, and, as always, please reach […] 12/15 ACE Newsletter Read about the Executive Cabinet’s solutions for important issues, the recently revised CUSD policy changes, and the latest opportunities for educators. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 12/8 ACE Newsletter “ACE is the answer” means that we take seriously the work of becoming a strong, competent, and independent union for all Clovis educators. It also means that ACE will do whatʼs right and necessary to make sure that CUSD is the best district it can be for our students to learn and thrive. Learn more […] 12/1 ACE Newsletter Clovis Unified has the opportunity to make significant progress in addressing the historic wage gap that we have all experienced. However, it isnʼt going to be solved in one year or without a union. Educators need the ongoing ability to collectively bargain salaries, stipends, and benefits. Also, an update on Personal Expression Policy, a new […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 13 Older