Updates Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage. Posts navigation Newer 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 12 Older 10/13 ACE Newsletter A crowded class means not enough resources, not enough physical space for kids to feel seen, and not enough time for individual attention. Learn how ACE wants to achieve smaller class sizes, plus take part in our surveys to help build consensus around the issues we can work toward. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 10/6 ACE Newsletter In our latest newsletter, we revisit the budget, announce the latest episode of The ACE Podcast, and more. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 9/29 ACE Newsletter Our latest updates on Psych Bargaining, SPED, and The Democracy of ACE, as well as three surveys to fill out and important upcoming dates. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 9/22 ACE Newsletter An update on the ACE Executive Cabinet Team including class/caseload size, IA staffing, and prep/planning time. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 9/15 ACE Newsletter Our latest newsletter covers Input on Open Letters, What’s On Your Mind About…, and Important Upcoming Dates. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 9/8 ACE Newsletter Hope youʼre settling into the new school year and staying cool during this heat wave. This newsletter covers ACE projects, facility concerns regarding the record heat, and a psych bargaining update. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 9/1 ACE Newsletter Itʼs been a busy week! The ACE Bargaining Team met with the district three times, ACE had our Back-To-School Organizing Committee Meeting with guest speaker Dolores Huerta, and we continued to push forward to give Clovis educators a voice. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 8/31 Bargaining Updates Updates on Leaves of Absence, Evaluation, and Assignment Changes – plus why they matter. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 8/29 Bargaining Updates This week the ACE school psychs/MHSPs have three bargaining sessions scheduled with the district. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 8/18 ACE Newsletter Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. As we prepare for students to return, we’re thinking about what we need to do to ensure that their education and wellbeing is put front and center. Our priorities from the beginning have focused on creating positive change for students’ education, mental health, and safety. We believe that, with […] Posts navigation Newer 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 12 Older