

Our latest media coverage.

Clovis School Psychologists Filing for Union Recognition #WeAreACE

CLOVIS – Just a few months after a historic organizing campaign began among Clovis educators, nearly 75% of school psychologists are filing a petition with the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to form a union, the first ever for these certificated professionals in the school district’s history. A union of psychologists is a first […]

School Psychologists File for Union Recognition

Clovis school psychologists filed for union recognition! 75% of school psychologists submitted union support petitions to the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to form a union (ACE) to have a real voice in the decisions that impact all students and educators. View the entire letter (PDF).

Association of Clovis Educators File Unfair Practice Charges Against Clovis Unified for Illegal Behavior That Harms Educators and Students

CLOVIS – The Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) has filed charges with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) regarding Clovis Unified School District’s support of its Faculty Senate, claiming the way the district represents the Faculty Senate’s scope and power, uses district resources and undermines educators’ voices violates state labor law. ​ CUSD control of […]

Our Letter to Clovis Unified Administration

Leaders of the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) informed CUSD to follow state law by respecting the rights of Clovis educators to unionize without interference, to give ACE notice and the opportunity to meet and discuss any changes to working conditions and to stop supporting and promoting CUSD faculty senate as the representative of Clovis […]

Clovis Educators Launch Historic Organizing Effort #WeAreACE

CLOVIS – Following years of district decision-making that have excluded educators and classroom needs as well as concerns that peaked during the pandemic, a large and diverse group of Clovis educators are launching a petition drive to form a union. The Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) has begun gathering signatures to build a union among […]