Updates Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage. Posts pagination Newer 1 … 10 11 12 13 Older Injunctive Relief Filing The Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) filed for injunctive relief at the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) requesting an immediate order for CUSD to stop all efforts of interfering with Clovis educator’s rights to unionize. The anti-union campaign has included support and control of the CUSD faculty senate – used as a company union […] Clovis Unified Students Now Required to Have Doctor’s Note For Mask Exemption FRESNO COUNTY – Clovis Unified is changing its course when it comes to student mask exemptions… “I think many of us are feeling anxious about what exactly it will look like when we get students next week,” said Kirstin Heimerdinger, a spokesperson for the Association of Clovis Educators. See full news report here. Letter to Faculty Senate Leaders of the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) Issues Action Team reached out to the executive board of the CUSD Faculty Senate (FS) asking them to join with ACE to call on CUSD administration to fix their mask exemption policy and make sure it follows important State and County public health guidelines. The letter to […] Letter to Mr. Jager Leaders of the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) Issues Action Team sent a follow-up letter to Barry Jager, CUSD Assoc. Supt. of Human Resources, reiterating Clovis educator concerns about the CUSD masking policy (at the time) and the potential to contribute to avoidable COVID outbreaks, risking student and community health and threatening to destabilize in-person […] Unfair Practice Charge #2 The Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) filed its second unfair labor practice charge (UPC) at the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) against the CUSD administration for continued and new violations of state law that govern the rights of certificated education employees to unionize without interference from administration. The violations include continued support and control […] Valley Children’s Letter to CUSD Board In a 6-page letter addressed to Clovis school board president Dr. Stephen Fogg, Valley Children’s Healthcare CEO Todd Suntrapak followed up his remarks made during the July 29, 2021 school board meeting underscoring that all Clovis students and staff should follow state and county public health guidelines requiring the use of masks indoors to mitigate […] Clovis School Psychologists Filing for Union Recognition #WeAreACE CLOVIS – Just a few months after a historic organizing campaign began among Clovis educators, nearly 75% of school psychologists are filing a petition with the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to form a union, the first ever for these certificated professionals in the school district’s history. A union of psychologists is a first […] School Psychologists File for Union Recognition Clovis school psychologists filed for union recognition! 75% of school psychologists submitted union support petitions to the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to form a union (ACE) to have a real voice in the decisions that impact all students and educators. View the entire letter (PDF). Association of Clovis Educators File Unfair Practice Charges Against Clovis Unified for Illegal Behavior That Harms Educators and Students CLOVIS – The Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) has filed charges with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) regarding Clovis Unified School District’s support of its Faculty Senate, claiming the way the district represents the Faculty Senate’s scope and power, uses district resources and undermines educators’ voices violates state labor law. CUSD control of […] Our Letter to Clovis Unified Administration Leaders of the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) informed CUSD to follow state law by respecting the rights of Clovis educators to unionize without interference, to give ACE notice and the opportunity to meet and discuss any changes to working conditions and to stop supporting and promoting CUSD faculty senate as the representative of Clovis […] Posts pagination Newer 1 … 10 11 12 13 Older