Updates Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage. Posts navigation Newer 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 12 Older 3/24 ACE Newsletter Plenty of things to do! Gather signatures, take the ACE 2022 Issues Survey, and attend a site meeting. View the entire newsletter. 3/17 ACE Newsletter Learn about the latest action items, legal representation for educators, and why CTA professional development is beneficial. Be sure to fill out the 2022 ACE Issue Survey if you haven’t already. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 3/10 ACE Newsletter Updates on the 2022 ACE Issue Survey, March Site Meetings, CUSD School Psychologists & MHSPs Beginning the Bargaining Process, and more. Read the entire newsletter (PDF). 3/3 ACE Newsletter The latest newsletter features Student Mask Mandate Changes, SPED, Elementary School Work-Load Issues, and Secondary Bell Schedule Changes. We will keep everyone updated as we continue our collaborative effort to find helpful solutions with CUSD administration. In the meantime, please be sure to complete the latest ACE survey to help identify issues that are important […] 2/25 ACE Newsletter Learn about our response to the school board changing their policies regarding student mask mandate enforcement without educator input in this newsletter update. Instead of hearing from educators, giving us clear policies, and exploring solutions together, CUSD leadership made a unilateral decision. CUSD’s current structure and leaders created chaos. Therefore, the ACE Executive Cabinet Committee […] ACE Issues Survey Last Spring, ACE conducted a survey of Clovis educators that resulted in the six priority issues that we adopted into our Fall Forward mission statement. By coming together and letting the school district know that these were important priorities for educators, we made progress and showed that empowering educators results in positive change. We know […] 2/10 ACE Newsletter The latest newsletter features ACE Asks the District to Compensate Teachers for Independent Study Work, ACE Legal Committee Update, ACE Continues to Celebrate their Win, Q & “ACE” with Rachel Allen, and Meet Your ACE Bylaws Committee. View the entire newsletter (PDF). 2/6 ACE Newsletter The latest newsletter features links to ABC 30 Action News Story, Moving Forward: Strong Union Contracts, Great Reserves: Chapter 1, Great Reserves: Chapter 2, 2022 Survey Link, and Join Us. View the entire newsletter (PDF). Clovis School Psychologists Victory In the last large school district in the state where educators are not part of a union, school psychologists and mental health support providers (MHSPs) have just made history by voting to join the Association of Clovis Educators/CTA/NEA, the first ever for certificated educators in the district. The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) announced the […] ACE Exec Cabinet Update The ACE Executive Cabinet Committee recently met with the CUSD Executive Cabinet and heard from them the steps they’ve taken to address the challenges of the pandemic. We also have a new quick poll for you to fill out by this Friday. View the entire email communication (PDF). Posts navigation Newer 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 12 Older