

Our latest newsletters and major news. We also have press coverage.

CUSD Reserves During Great Recession

“To All Clovis Educators, As the ACE Organizing Committee, we hope you’re enjoying our last few weeks before the Winter Break and want to share a few important video updates. We have been doing our homework, and with help from CTA, investigated CUSD’s public budget reports to see how reserves were utilized during the Great […]

PERB Finds Reasonable Cause That CUSD / Faculty Senate / CTO Violates Labor Laws

The California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB, the state agency that oversees labor laws for certificated education employees) has reviewed the unfair labor practice charge filed by ACE, investigated the claims, and has agreed that reasonable cause exists to find that CUSD/Faculty Senate/Clovis Teachers Organization has violated state labor laws in multiple ways. The violations […]

Letter to All Clovis Educators

From our recent email communications: “Dear Colleagues, Over the past year, ACE has worked to build a strong and independent union that has the power, resources, and skills to support Clovis educators and help our students and staff thrive. We are proud of the progress we’ve made, and the community we’ve built. Creating a successful […]

Say What?

Our ACE union organizing committee is very thankful for all of our wonderful co-workers and all that we already accomplished this year. By working together, we’ve won extended sick leave, improved substitute coverage, and a commitment to hire more IAs. … While we are working hard with our Clovis co-workers to make improvements, it seems […]

Let’s Get This Right

As we announced last week, we are making real progress addressing our ACE Fall Forward campaign issues. CUSD recently announced increases in pay for substitutes, improvements in sub coverage, and additional IA support for SDC Programs. This is in addition to the recent extension of COVID sick leave. These changes will help support our students […]

ACE is The Answer: Special Ed Edition

From our recent email communications: “As the ACE Fall Forward Campaign kicks into high gear with the rollout of the Vision Statement, ACE is advocating for teachers and specialists around the district day and night. Hundreds of us identified six main areas of concern based on our needs assessment survey. “A fuller description of these […]

Together Across Differences

From our recent email communications: “Since our ACE Fall Forward Campaign launch on Monday, the response to our effort to make real improvements in Clovis has been terrific. We’ve been especially pleased by the fact that supporters include Clovis educators from different schools and professional backgrounds. Classroom teachers, psychologists, counselors, SLPs, nurses, SPED educators, music […]

Unfair Practice Charge #4

In this new charge, the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE) seeks to hold accountable the Faculty Senate (FS) and its recently announced newest iteration, Clovis Teachers Organization (CTO), for its own related violations of EERA, including its solicitation of unlawful assistance from Clovis Unified School District and its acceptance of unlawful assistance and preferential treatment, […]

We Need to Focus On Issues

rom our recent email communications: “Our purpose in joining together as the Association of Clovis Educators is to ensure that educators have a real and independent voice in the decisions made at CUSD. Our purpose in joining together as the Association of Clovis Educators is to ensure that educators have a real and independent voice […]

Rearranging the Deck Chairs

UPDATE: See the revised Fall Forward campaign PDF. From our recent email communications: ​”As you probably know, the Faculty Senate recently announced they are changing their name to the Clovis Teachers Organization (CTO) and seeking to be recognized as the exclusive representative of Clovis educators… The name change is an effort to remain relevant and […]